Spring has arrived! The snow is rapidly melting and you may have noticed there are A LOT more potholes, cracked asphalt, and catch basins in need of repair than there were last season. Potholes form due to the wear and tear from weather and the amount of traffic on the pavement. The majority show up in late winter and early spring as a result of the extra water from the freeze/thaw cycle, which weakens the pavement and leads to cracks and potholes.
Potholes and cracked or broken pavement can cause serious damage to your vehicle if they are not avoided. From a property management standpoint, they can also be a big liability issue. Fortunately, the weather is improving daily and our crews are doing repairs all over the Twin Cities.
Are there potholes in your commercial driveway or parking lot? Is your asphalt in need of spring maintenance or repairs? If so, contact Minnesota Roadways today for a no cost estimate.